Emma Walker

Emma Walker first came to yoga as a fitness junkie with numerous injuries and super-tight hips. She thought yoga would give her a good stretch as well as a great workout. Well it did give her that, but also so much more!

After doing the 40 Days to Personal Revolution at the studio she not only became hooked on the physical practice, the heat but also started incorporating meditation and presence into her yoga practice and into her daily life. 

When the Teacher Training at YBW came up she knew it was just the thing she had been looking for. Emma has embraced teaching yoga and loves every minute of it. She is also continuing her journey every day through meditation and stillness. Through yoga she has discovered the power of the breath and the power of the mind. She has stopped judging herself and worrying about how the yoga asana may or may not look. Yes, she still has tight hips but now she is just enjoying the journey, making small steps each week.

Emma recently returned from Level 1 Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Koh Samui with Paul Grilley. It was a complete game-changer for Emma. As well as improving her knowledge on physiology and anatomy, Emma has learnt so much about the variations in people’s bodies and has also gained a new sense of understanding about her own body and practice. Yin has given Emma so much not only physically, as she feels her body opening up, but also mentally with the stillness and calmness of the practice.

In her life outside yoga Emma is a high school teacher and mother of two boys. She loves going to the beach.