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Rise Sacred Ceremony

Join Gerda Temple and Gabby Vinden for a journey into the heart.

3 hour immersion with ceremonial grade cacao, breath work, sound healing and more. This will be a deeply nurturing, nourishing and transformative evening. Allowing you to connect to your inner child, your truth, receive guidance, release what has been holding you back, explore new ways of being, activate and fully step into your power.

Ceremonial grade cacao is a gentle yet powerful ancient plant medicine that (with intention) helps open the heart chakra allowing you to deeply connect to yourself.

You will be guided though the power of the breath into altered states of consciousness. This will allow participants to access the subconscious mind and connect to parts of themselves that function outside of their daily awareness. Giving them the ability and see themselves and their patterns with a birdseye view, allowing new insights and clarity. Whilst simultaneously releasing suppressed energy and limiting beliefs.

The healing sounds will help wash away layers of you that are carrying around that no longer serve you. The high vibrational, healing frequencies of the sounds will thaw and transmute negative thoughts, stagnant energy and heavy feelings. Anything that does not match this vibration will dissolve.

These modalities combined will assist you to connect to your authentic self. Allowing you to begin experiencing well being on all levels; body mind and soul.

Come back to the trueness of who you really are. Explore, connect, release, rise up.

No prior experience required, you will be safe and guided the whole way through. This workshops is open to everybody except pregnant women, the breath and dose of cacao is not appropriate during pregnancy.
Please bring a mug, a journal, pen and wear comfortable clothes.
Avoid consuming caffeine, soy or dairy later in the day as it can inhibit the effects of cacao.
It is best not to eat for a couple of hours before the ceremony we encourage either having an early dinner or eating after the ceremony is complete as the cacao works best on an empty stomach.
The cacao will be vegan and organic.
Please arrive on time so that we can maximise our time in this healing space.

About the facilitators:

Gerda Temple
Gerda from Awaken Healing has been facilitating sound for the last two years at retreats, in combination with yoga, reike, meditation groups and facilitating personal sound and group healing sessions. She has been living and breathing sound for the last 16 years as a professional musician and music tutor in the Newcastle area and draws from this experience during sound healing sessions. Gerda uses a combination of Crystal Quartz singing bowls, shamanic drumming, rattles, chimes, and vocal toning to balance and align the chakras and energetic bodies physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Gabby Vinden
Gabby is a yoga teacher, prananyama breath work trainer, reike practitioner and holistic dietitian. Gabby has been a student of yoga for ten years and has a dedicated asana and meditation practice. Gabby is passionate about helping people cultivate a better relationship with themselves by creating deeper union between the body and the mind. Gabs is commited and passionate about guiding people out of their heads into their hearts. She has an amazing gift to hold space and offers a safe space for introspection. Gabby hopes to inspire you let go of what does not serve you so that you can make room for greater love and care.

Friday 13th November 6-9pm